What is Dark Web and How to Access it

What is the dark web?

The dark web is a hidden part of the Internet. Not indexed by the standard search engines, the dark web hides in the internet and makes it hard to reach and access them for the regular internet users.

In this topic, we will discuss the layers of the internet, the deep web, the dark web, and how to access it with some safety tips.

If you are new to the dark web, learn about it and its use cases here.

The three layers of the Internet: 

The Internet is divided into three parts: the surface, the deep, and the dark web. 

Surface web: 

This is the part of the Internet accessible via standard search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. We will get the following services on the surface web.

  • Websites
  • Online stores
  • Social Media platform(example: Facebook)
  • Other commonly used services 

These sites are indexed and easily accessible.

Deep Web:

The Deep Web comprises web pages not indexed by search engines, often because they are behind logins, paywalls, or other access controls. 

What is there on the deep web? 

  • Private databases
  • Online banking systems
  • Security services like VPN
  • Content behind subscription walls

Unindexed Content: The deep web consists of web pages and data not indexed by search engines. 

This includes pages requiring user authentication (like email accounts or online banking), dynamic content generated by web applications, and databases not designed to be publicly accessible.

Private and Secure Information: Much of the deep web contains private and secure information. 

This includes personal email accounts, cloud storage, subscription-based content (e.g., academic journals, paywalled articles), and databases behind login screens.

Corporate and Government Databases: Many businesses and government entities have databases and internal networks that are part of the deep web. These are not meant for public access but are essential for their operations.

Legitimate and Legal Content: The deep web is not inherently a place for illegal or malicious activities. It is a necessary and legitimate part of the internet where sensitive or private information is stored. For example, healthcare records, financial data, and academic research often reside in the deep web.

Dark Web: 

The Dark Web is a subset of the Deep Web, but it goes a step further by intentionally concealing its websites and services. The content is only accessible through specialized networks like Tor.

What will we get on the dark web? 

  • Illegal transactions 
  • Hackers
  • Weapons
  • Drugs
  • Sensitive information 
  • Pirated content like software, movies
  • Stolen credit cards, etc., 
  • Malware

What is the primary use of the dark web? 

One of the Dark Web’s primary attractions is its anonymity. 

Tor, for example, routes internet traffic through a series of volunteer-operated servers, making it extremely challenging to trace the identity or location of users.

This level of privacy can be a valuable resource for individuals living in oppressive regimes, activists, whistleblowers, and journalists who need to protect their sources.

Legal and Ethical Uses

While the Dark Web is often associated with illegal activities, it should be noted that it was created for legal purposes rather than illegal ones. 

There are legal and ethical use cases:

  1. Privacy and Security Research: Security experts and researchers often explore the Dark Web to understand emerging threats, vulnerabilities, and evolving cybercriminal tactics.
  2. Whistleblowing and Free Speech: Platforms like SecureDrop on the Dark Web offer whistleblowers a secure channel to expose corporate or governmental wrongdoing without fear of retribution.
  3. Access to Censored Information: In some countries, the Dark Web is a gateway to access information and news that is censored or blocked by authorities.


different dark web


Events on the Dark Web

Although the dark web appears to be a product of the new millennium, it has a long history.

dark web

Illicit Activities

While we talk about the legal and ethical values of the dark web, most users use the platform for illegal activities. 

We can debate the illegal activities that happen on the surface web vs the dark web. But, it’s easier for criminals to hide on the dark web than the surface web. 

What happens on the dark web? 

  • Illegal Marketplaces
  • Drugs
  • Weapons
  • Stolen Credit cards
  • Counterfeit 
  • Pirated movies
  • Software’s 
  • Games
  • Red room
  • Hire a hitman 
  • Hacking services
  • Scams
  • Phishing attack

Those mentioned above are the illegal services available on the dark web. 

How to access the dark web? 

The dark web can be accessed only through the TOR browser. 

Download the Tor browser from https://torproject.org.

You can now access the dark web after downloading and installing the Tor browser. If you have an Onion link or any website address to the dark web, you can paste the link and browse the website. 

You can get some onion links here. Dark web links

Use the links to get an idea of what a dark web is. Do not try to do any illegal activities on the dark web.

How to access the dark web safely? 

Safety is the primary concern while accessing the dark web. We don’t know about the onion links which we browse. 

While the TOR provides safety on our anonymity, it is not entirely safe. 

We may browse an unknown link that ends up stealing our data. 

What to do?

Get a premium VPN

A VPN makes strong encryption and makes it extremely difficult for intruders who try to steal our data. 

VPN encrypts the data that is sent and received between our computers. 

A VPN will mask our IP and make us anonymous. Even our ISPs nor the government can find our data. 

We recommend you use NordVPN, which is rated five stars. NordVPN protects our privacy with advanced encryption methods.

Safety tips: 

One should be disciplined while surfing the dark web. Follow the following tips to safeguard your anonymity. 

  • Do not try to communicate with anyone on the dark web. 
  • Do not download from unknown resources. 
  • Do not click on a link if you are unsure. 
  • Use a premium VPN.
  • Do not share personal information like address or mobile number on the dark web. 
  • Try to be anonymous on the dark web. 
  • Always try to prioritize your anonymity. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): 

Are the deep web and dark web the same?: No. The deep web is different from the dark web. The dark web is where most notorious crimes happen, while the deep web is where databases, government information, payment gateways, etc., are handled. 

Can I trust anyone on the dark web? You should not trust anyone or any sources. The dark web contains both legitimate and illegitimate content. Verify sources and be cautious when sharing personal information.

Is it illegal to access the dark web? No. It is entirely legal to access the dark web. Only if you do illegal activities on the dark web, it is a crime. 

Are there any legal resources on the dark web? You can find legal and ethical resources on the dark web, such as secure communication tools, privacy-focused forums, and sites promoting free speech and open information exchange.